Maha Shivratri is an auspicious Hindu festival that’s observed across the country. This year, Maha Shivratri will be observed on February 18. According to Drik Panchang, as per the South Indian calendar, Chaturdashi Tithi during Krishna Paksha in the month of Magha is known as Maha Shivaratri. According to the North Indian calendar, Masik Shivaratri in the month of Phalguna is known as Maha Shivaratri. “In both calendars, it is the naming convention of lunar month which differs. However both, North Indians and South Indians celebrate Maha Shivaratri on the same day,” the website reads.
The day marks Lord Shiva’s marital union with Goddess Parvati. Devotees visit Shiv-Parvati temples to seek blessings and also observe fast on this day.
- Maha Shivaratri is on Saturday, February 18, 2023
- Nishita Kaal Puja Time: 12:09 am to 1 am, February 19
- Duration: 51 Minutes
- On 19th February, Shivaratri Parana Time: 6:56 am to 3:24 pm
- Ratri First Prahar Puja Time: 6:13 pm to 9:24 pm
- Ratri Second Prahar Puja Time – 9:24 pm to 12:35 am, February 19
- Ratri Third Prahar Puja Time – 12:35 am to 3:46 am, February 19
- Ratri Fourth Prahar Puja Time – 3:46 am to 6:56 am, February 19
- Chaturdashi Tithi Begins – 8:02 pm on February 18, 2023
- Chaturdashi Tithi Ends – 4:18 pm on February 19, 2023
On the day of Maha Shivratri, devotees observe a full day fast. Devotees pray to lord Shiva and in the evening, before puja or visiting the temples, devotees take bath a second time. Shivaratri puja can be performed one time or four times during the night. As Drik Panchang points out, the whole night duration can be divided into four to get four Prahar to perform Shiva Puja four times.
There are several legends associated with Maha Shivratri. According to the most popular one, the day marks the marital union of Lord Siva with his consort, Goddess Parvati.
After the death of his wife Sati, Shiva became a recluse and lived like a hermit. He was immersed in meditation and undertook severe penance. Sati took rebirth as Parvati in order to win Shiva’s heart once again and become his consort. She did rigorous penance for years and did all that she could to win his affection and attention. On realizing her dedication, devotion, and immeasurable love, Shiva accepted her as his wife.