Veteran actor Ashish Vidyarthi has tied the knot with Assam’s Rupali Barua in an intimate ceremony on Thursday, May 25. The actor who has appeared in a number of Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and more regional films, has found love again in Rupali.
The National Award-winning actor was previously married to Rajoshi Barua, daughter of yesteryear’s actress Shakuntala Barua. Vidyarthi’s now wife Rupali, who is from Guwahati, is associated with an upscale fashion store in Kolkata.
Ashish and Rupali had a quiet registry marriage in the presence of family and close friends. The wedding was a perfect blend of two cultures. Rupali started getting ready at 6.30 am and decked herself in a beautiful white mekhela to twinned with Ashish’s white and gold Mundu from Kerala. She teamed the mekhla with gold temple jewellery.
TOI quoted the actor who shared his feelings about getting married at 60. “At this stage of my life, getting married to Rupali is an extraordinary feeling. We had a court marriage in the morning, followed by a get-together in the evening,” said Ashish.
With the news that has left his fans excited, there are some wondering how did the two meet? Giving some deets, the fashion entrepreneur said, “We met some time ago and decided to take it forward. But both of us wanted our wedding to be a small family affair.”
Take a look at the pictures from the ceremony below:
Ashish Vidyarthi, who is popularly known for his villainous roles in Bollywood, has worked in numerous films in the Indian cinema. The actor was born on June 19, 1962, in Delhi. In a career that began in 1986, Ashish Vidyarthi has appeared in a number of Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, English, Odia, Marathi, and Bengali films. He has so far contributed to almost 300 films in 11 different languages.
Congratulations to the couple! Sending them love and best wishes.
Source: indiatoday